So that was the last time we let Carter hold the hamster by himself...Here are some other fun pictures of our train ride and petting zoo adventures in San Juan Capistrano with Eric & Megs and Mom and Dad!
I think we ate so much frozen yogurt the week our family was here we overdosed them on it! It was exciting for us to make our first family visit to our newest yogurt store located in the Hillcrest area of San Diego! The store actually opened just a week or two after McKinley was born so we were a little slow in getting everyone down there to see it, but it was a perfect treat to share with the cousins after a day at Sea World!
Madie Rose and Ali could not get enough of the water as they jumped the waves while Chris gave Carter some early 'board lessons'. 'Baby twin Kate' as my kids call her was so cute crawling in the sand with Carter while I tried to keep McKinley sand-free! And here is that favorite smile of Carter's that just makes my heart melt....two is just such a cute age! He loved the Sky Ride at Sea World! Uncle Todd sent Sophie on a wild body board ride and I just happened to catch it on film--go Sophie!
What fun for Kennidy to have her Oregon cousins-Ali, Maddy, and Sophie- here to celebrate with her on her very special 8th birthday, April 26th. Kennidy also loved having her uncle Johnny and soon-to-be Aunt Kylie and cousins Carissa, Shawn & family here too! The day started with yummy bday pancakes & gifts to open, then a day on the warm sand at the beach and ending with her favorite-a plain cheeseburger with chocolate shake and fries at In N Out, it was a perfect Bday for Kennidy!
At exactly 1 month old on April 16th, McKinley went to Disneyland for her first time! (Pretty amazing considering I had to wait until I was 20 and in college before I went for the first time!) Spring Break 2008 was a constant party at the Johnson Hotel as both sides of the family came to vacation & celebrate with us! After the Grandmas left, we greeted the Hawkins, the Utley's (Kari I need pictures from you since I didn't get any), John, Kylie & friends, the Nelson's, the Platt's, and The Woodley's all here in California to play in the sun! McKinley got in her first days at the Beach and Sea World too as a result!