Monday, September 15, 2008

Kennidy's BIG 8-April 2008

I know it's been awhile, but I feel the need to pick up where we left off with this blogging stuff because....someone told me there is a website where you can get all your blog posts printed and sent to you in a nice little scrapbook! (please send me the link if any of you know the name of said site!) Since this is the ONLY form of scrapbooking I have been doing over the past year (and a meager attempt at that!), I am going to keep it chronological in hopes that someday I might make use of these postings! ;0)

May 3rd, 2008 our oldest Kennidy turned 8--which is a big deal in our church because that is the age they get baptized! We also decided to bless (similar to a christening) our newest baby McKinley on that same weekend to make it easy for family to we invited all the family who could make it to come out to California and celebrate with us! It made for a very BUSY but MEMORABLE weekend!

Friday-All the family arrives at our Johnson Hotel and The Marriott down the street! ;o)
Saturday 11am-Kennidy's 25 kid bounce-house Bday bonanza complete with lunch, games and a cotton candy machine (thank heavens Aunt Kari and good neighbor Heather were there to serve it up again and again and again)!
Saturday 5pm-Kennidy's Baptism by her Daddy complete with songs by the cousins, talks by Grandpa Woodley and Grandma Johnson and Mamo's yummy refreshments!
Sunday 2pm-McKinley's Baby Blessing by Daddy followed by a family dinner afterwards and goodbyes to all!

And then Kennidy's mom and dad collapsed! ;0)

This is Kennidy's cousin Bailie and when they are together everyone thinks they are TWINS!

Madi Rose LOVED the cotton candy, can you tell? :0)

Johnson Family at Baptism!

Woodley Family at the Baby Blessing!


Real Life Roberts said...

I so wish I could have been there! Kennidy looks so beautiful in her dress. I love my baptism picture just b/c of the sweet feelings I had AND that I felt like I looked pretty in my new dress!

PS: I want to hear about the web site too when you find out.

Trisha B said...

There is one website called Blurb that does the Blog Books. I haven't done it myself, but I saw it on someone's blog.
It's about $80 for a 440 page, hard cover book.

cmjkmj said...

thanks so much for the website info Trisha! You are so good with this internet stuff! ;)