*Hosted my first Bridal Shower on Feb.27th for one of our favorite babysitter/nanny/tutors, Lisa Sanford. Putting 40 people in our house was one crazy party! Thank heavens for the 3 other ladies-Heather, Cheryl, and Linda- who helped me TONS with food, games and more! Best part were the 35 vases I got for free which we then filled with Trader Joes ($1.29 for TEN stems) daffodils and used to decorate my house AND also give as party favors!
*Updated my Easter decor (just a bit) for first time in 13 years--just in time for the bridal shower guests of course!
*Worked all weekend March5-6 (behind the scenes of course) on our church young women's group first professional-scale Modesty Fashion Show with around thirty vendors donating the clothes and over 50 teen girls thrilled to wear them down a catwalk in front of 400 people (with real stylists doing their hair & make up too!).
*Carter cut his own hair for first time at church=awesome! McKinley found a pair of shoes that she absolutely won't take off (and some of her sister's dolls too). Kennidy and Madison took their American Girl dolls 'ice skating' for first time! (Chris was a little worried when Santa brought those dolls to our house two years ago, but seriously they have been the BEST thing for sister-bonding! Worth every penny in my book ;0). And last, we tried out Fire and Ice BBQ (our old favorite restaurant in Providence RI), right here in Anaheim, CA with my brother Brycen and his latest round of DECA recruits!
Are you kidding~!? There is so much to comment on! I love the decor...you need to give me some tips! Also, I could just love on MCK w/ her shoe fetish...Ashley had one at that age and still does. Knock on wood but none of my kids have had a cut hair incident...clothes but not hair. HA! So fun that you have your blog up and runnin again! LOVE YOU!!
Great update...so glad you are updating your blog again!! Cute house, cute kids, and great idea for YW's...may have to use your idea!
I love your "Firsts". Good for you to update and not get bogged down on those busy times. Posts are fun even when you just touch on them. The fashion show was awesome. Holly loved being in it. And I want to find out more about this restaurant too. Never heard of it. Happy Easter!
I just checked your blog on a whim- and was expecting to see the southern california fires (which were at the top- forever). Looks like I have some fun catching up to do- happy wedding for Lisa!
Was that really the first time you've hosted a bridal shower? or the first time you've hosted one for one of your babysitters? cuz I'm finding it hard to believe you've never hosted a bridal shower before.
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