Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Youth Conference the O.C. way....

Here is the Yacht that our 455 youth (and lucky leaders like me ;0) took on a cruise of Long Beach Harbor while we ate, danced and partied the night away. I absolutely loved being with my Young Women again--especially my seniors like Annie and Janae who are leaving for college in the fall. I was also happy that this was one youth conference meal that I wasn't in charge of preparing, serving and cleaning for 555 people. (During this whole weekend affair, Chris was Mr. Mom again (I'm giving him lots of practice lately) and VERY busy painting our house---pictures to come soon!)

1 comment:

Emily Anne said...

Jealous! Our youth conference was mostly at the stake center with an excursion to the state mental hospital to render service....hmmmmm...discrepancy, anyone?? Really, I'm just glad you got to have such a fun time with your girls. Isn't YW the best? (LInked over from Liz's blog.) Oh, and your house is lovely and I love design on a dime.